Thursday, December 16, 2010

Conversion Problems

For the past two days i have been trying to convert the scenes from Adobe After Effects to Final Cut Pro. However it is not as easy as it sounds and i need to be shown how to do it before i can do it on my own, but unfortunately my teacher has not been at school, for the last two days, so i have not been able to convert any footage, which is quite annoying. Also, we have broken up for the Christmas holidays so i will not be able to convert the footage until i go back to school, next year.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Final Cut Pro

Today i started to convert the scenes from Adobe After Effects to Final Cut Pro. The reason for this is that the software that i used to edit the scenes, which is After Effects, is not compatible with Final Cut Pro. However, i did manage to convert the opening 43 seconds of the film and showed it to my teacher. He said it was a good intro but thought that the names, in the titles, were a little fast and did not really add to the somberness of the film. He also said that maybe it was a little too long for the titles, as it has already taken up 43 seconds of the two minutes allowed. To make this shorter, he suggested that instead of having the names of the actors on black background and then going to the next shot, which is a panning shot, i should put the names over the panning shot and as a result, this has given me more time for the action scenes.

Color Correction

Yesterday i managed to add all of the war sounds, i.e. machine gun and artillery fire, to the scenes that needed them. I also changed a lot of the colour on certain scenes, because the ones that i changed are supposed to be in the past and the scenes that i did not colour correct are in the present. The idea of this is to help the audience understand that some scenes are in the past and some are not. I also wanted to stay after school to do a bit more editing but unfortunately it was parents evening and the media hut had to be used for that instead.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sound Effects

Today i started adding the sound effects, such as explosions and machine gun fire, onto the scenes. I managed to finish one scene completely, including sound effects, and i only have a few more to do before i can put the film together.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Storyboard Images

These are a bit late, but here are some pictures of the storyboard:

The story is about a soldier who is the sole survivor of a fierce battle and has flashbacks to certain moments in the firefight.

Film Name

I've finally decided the name of my film! At first i had trouble thinking of a name for it so i decided to look at a map of Normandy, where the film is set, and looked for a place name because i thought that this would have more affect than a long title name. However this did not help as i was unable to find a suitable name, but that was ok because i thought of "La Ferme" which is French for farm. I think that this is a good name and am going to use it for the opening titles.

This is a picture of me looking at the map of Normandy that i used to give me ideas for the film name.

Titles Finished

Today i managed to finish the titles for the opening and have now started to put the scenes together. I have also added the soundtrack onto the first 30 seconds of the film. The song that i have used is call Resonant Evil and i think that it goes very well with the titles.