Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Black Hawk Down Opening Screen Shots

Opening Scene

In the opening scene of Black Hawk Down, the camera moves across two people. One of these is looking down at at dead body. Since the camera is pointing down at the person, it gives the audience the feeling as though they are actually there and looking over the crouching person's shoulder.

 The camera then focuses on a dead body, which is at eye level, to give the audience a sense that they are actually looking at the body.

The camera is then focused on a truck in the distance. The lighting is quite dull which makes the landscape look quite baron and deserted and as though it is quite a bleak place to live in.

The screen goes black whilst somber music is being played. Text then appears giving the audience a brief summary of what is/has happened to Somalia.

The camera then moves from the right hand side of the screen to the left hand side. This camera movement allows the audience to see the extent of what the famine has done to the people. This is because there are a lot of sick and injured people.

This print screen shows how the camera moves across the scene. The truck that was in the previous shot is still there but the audience can now see more of the left hand side of the screen.

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