Monday, September 27, 2010

Film Openings


Before i talked about the different film openings that i am going to research. I am now going to annotate the opening two minutes of the films.

This film is about two Polish brothers who shelter Jewish refugees from the advancing Germans.
I will add screen prints/ screen grabs once i learn how to.

First Two Minutes
  • The film starts with old footage of Adolf Hitler giving a speech whilst German soldiers march past. This gives the audience a time frame and the kind of genre that the film will be.
  • The screen then goes black and text appears saying "1941 Germany Occupies Belorussia".  In the background Hitler's speech is being played and this gives it an eerie effect.
  • It then shows more old footage of German soldiers and shows a flag which has the emblem of the SS DeathsHead division. This adds to the tension of the film because this division where in charge of the concentration camps. Text then appears that says "SS Death squads and local police round up Jews". This tells the audience a bit about what to expect in the film.
  • The audience then hear screams of women and children as they are rounded up by the German soldiers. This adds to the tension of the opening.
  • The camera then zooms out and shows masses of people being heared away from the village. The screams and shouts of the women and children is still heard which adds to the confusion of the round up.
  • The audience then witnness people being beaten up by the soldiers.
  • Text then appears that says "Paramount Pictures Presents"

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