Sunday, March 27, 2011

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I think that I have learnt more about the different camera angles that are available, such as close ups, low angle, medium close and medium high. For example, during the filming of the preliminary task, I did not do any close ups, or change the camera's zoom but instead kept the same camera angle. However, in my actual task, I used a wide variety of shots and angles, including extreme close ups and panning shots. I have also learnt a lot about editing, as I did not edit the preliminary task as it was on iMovie but instead just added titles and credits, whereas when it came to editing my two minute opening, I used Adobe After Effects and Final Cut Pro to add colour correction and muzzle flashes onto the footage.

Also, I believe that the use of match on action in my preliminary task is different to that of my actual one.

This is a screen shot of some match on action that I used in the preliminary task. I believe that it is not as good as the one featured in my actual task as it is not as smooth.

This is a screen shot of the match on action that is featured in my actual task. Here, the soldiers run through the trench and in the next scene the camera is behind them but still looking at them running.

I also used a lot of colour correction during the editing of the actual task. For example, i used brownish colours to represent two different time periods. Brownish colour represented the present day, whereas dark blue represented the past.

These screen shots show the actual footage against the colour corrected one:

In the preliminary task, I used shot/reverse shot but it was not very good, as it was in one take. However, during the actual task, I managed to use it but this time it looked a lot better. 

 The shot/reverse shot scene in my preliminary task was not very good compared to the one in my actual task

First the audience see the back of the soldier and in the next shot see the front of him

I think that I have learnt a lot about the titles as in the preliminary task, I used a basic title template that I found on iMovie yet for the actual task I created my own using Adobe After Effects.

I think that the way in which the names of the actors appear and then disappear add to the somberness of the opening. I also think that the column of smoke adds to the tension of the film as it is a symbol of the battle that is featured in the two minute opening.

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